Things You Need to Teach Your Parents Who Use Smartphones

Things You Need to Teach Your Parents Who Use Smartphones

Qatar is one of the significant country where smartphone internet sales are increasing day by day. Does not matter young or old everyone has mobiles with them. Old people will face problems to adjust with this developing smartphone technology. So we have to be cautions and teach our parents about the things going on and how to be on safe side. This blog will help you to guide your parents to understand which is fake news and corruption.

Things You Need to Teach Your Parents Who Use Smartphones

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Another thing we all need to know is that, data does not completely go away from your phone once you tap the delete button.Criminals use cyber equipment as a weapon and mobile phones are considered to be the proof for all their activities.

Now a days you take any criminal case phone is considered to be an important evidence.It is necessary to inform our parents about the things happening around us.This article will give you few important things to be kept in mind to be on the safe side. It is your duty to inform your parents and teach them.

First Important Thing

Even though smartphones has a lot of interesting things, a smartphone consists of a persons important data's as well.So you need to teach your parents how to secure these data's. It is important to keep a password in the form of pin code , pattern lock , finger print or even face lock. And also the lock should not be passed to anyone.

Things to remember Qatar

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Need to Inform About Fake Apps

Need to inform our parents about the functioning of fake apps just like a malware. It is very easy to create android fake apps.It is our duty to teach our parents to differentiate between a real app and the fake.

stay safe qatar

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Never Save Pin Numbers 

Never save your bank card details or anything related to banks in your smartphone. Similarly, Do not save your ATM debit or credit card pin numbers in your phone.

safety qatar

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Inform Them About Fishing

Inform them clearly about fishing attack. It is one of the significant internet trap. So it is important to inform our parents about it

cyber qatar

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Not Every Calls Are Important

Need to inform them that not all calls are important and how strangers try to call and get bank account details.also need to inform them to attend all unknown number with caution.

safety first qatar

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Do Not Call Back To Unknown Numbers

You all know that calls from strangers are really dangers and can cause a lot of problems. There are ways to collect your bank details or money from a single missed call.

cyber crime department qatar

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Never Share Your Unique Sim Number

Every Sim card has a 20 digit unique number. This is used to track mobile number. Never share this unique number with anyone and also teach them about 'Sim Swap'.

cyber law in qatar

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Don't Share a Lot of Things on Social Media

It is good to involve in social media, but it is a different type of challenge. For starters we have to inform them about everything related to social media. So beware when you post something on social media and also your vacation plans on social media.

App Permissions

Need to be aware of App Permissions. most importantly mic , Wi Fi, camera applications.


Inform them about anti virus, and also inform them how malware, spy works.

Things You Need to Teach Your Parents Who Use Smartphones Things You Need to Teach Your Parents Who Use Smartphones Reviewed by Iamoneplus on July 21, 2018 Rating: 5

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