Watching Fifa World Cup Can affect Our Health

Watching FiFa World Cup Can affect Our Health

France Vs Croatia Live stream

Here is a cool information i obtained after reading a blog. For all those people here in Qatar who doesn't have any idea about my title. I will share what i got to know about it.

First of all, let me ask you something. Are you guys really in to Fifa? Which team do you support? Why do you support? Are you from the country that you support for Fifa? Comment Below. This is just an research to know the feedback of different individuals.

Here is what i got to know, Watching intense matches can result in heart attacks. Have you tried to Check your heart beats while watching a Fifa match of the team you support? Well, its time for you to check. The heart beats increase and decrease depending on your emotions during the match.

Today is the final match of Fifa 2018 , France Vs Croatia. Are you guys planning to experiment with you fitness bands or your smart watches?. Well, if you did please do let us know. I got to experience this when i watched Belgium Vs France match and i decided to experiment what i came to know about it from the blog. My emotions really effects my mood and my health which has very bad effect.

Heart attacks are normally caused by smoking, inactivity and high blood pressure. But did you know what watching high intense sports games also effects our heart. As per the information i got , a lot of people has been admitted in the hospitals due to cardiovascular problems.

The people's reaction during the matches , in between the matches and after t he matches. Please respond to it in different ways.  When a team wins, we should be happy about it and celebrate if its necessary. But now a days the fans celebrate in a violent way causing mass destruction's to the area where they are present.
Do you think these things are necessary? . Have you thought about it? . 

That's why it is said that watching high intense sports matches can have serious health issues. Especially in places like Qatar where its too hot, body is dehydrated and smoking . Effects of Fifa can be a serious issue.  So i suggest you to stay safe and take care of your health.

Let's do a survey :

Which team do you support?

Why do you support?

Are your from the country that you support?

Who do you think will win the France Vs Croatia FiFa 2018 match?
Watching Fifa World Cup Can affect Our Health Watching Fifa World Cup Can affect Our Health Reviewed by Iamoneplus on July 15, 2018 Rating: 5

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