Facebook Going To Provide Internet To The Whole World

Facebook Going To Provide Internet To The Whole World

Source : Source : Event Resource Center

Facebook has been planning about providing internet access to all there areas where internet access is not available. And they have started lot of activities to sort it out. Even though Facebook gave up the internet drones here is another idea to achieve success.


Source : Daily Express

Facebook announced about it officially as well. Facebook is planning to start a satelite related internet.
They have named it Alhena. Facebook did not publish a lot about this project. But to make the people understand the concept of this project they have announced a few things.

What The Reports Say

Source : Which.co.uk

Based on the reports i will tell you about what the Wired got. The internet is completely based of satellite. With the help of Athena, on top of all the broadband's people will be able to get internet connection no matter where they are.

They Will utilize the Satellite Technology to The Maximum Extend

Source : gesellberg.com

They did not guarantee us with anything, But we can have a hope for something. That's what i get to know from the Facebook masters. The company assured that they will try to utilize the satellite technology to make this dream come true.

This is not the first time we heard something like this from Facebook. We have heard about the drone internet before. They started the drone project and due to some reason they had to stop it. So lets wait and see whats Facebook is up to next.
Facebook Going To Provide Internet To The Whole World Facebook Going To Provide Internet To The Whole World Reviewed by Iamoneplus on July 23, 2018 Rating: 5

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